Suck-The-Success….Flail the failure…
It has taken me 26 good years to realise the fact that human kind`s greatest gift from the house of god is failure.
Failure!! its the most dreaded of the words.It gives you headache,it leaves you with pangs that aren`t cured easy.But it is the greatest gift to mankind.The teacher that everyone searches for-within himself or outside,that sagacity is bestowed upon us in the virtues and vices of the act of failing.
I recall the first failure that I experienced was in the class test in sixth standard.It made my cry.I cried in earnest at not getting the grade I deserved and more importantly the ignominy of that letter "F" on my grade card.But did I learn something that day?The answer that reverberates to me is a 'No'.Failure/disappointment has a strange pedagogy.It teaches with time,it prepares its lessons to coincide with our lives and times.It is a thing that we have to fail to learn.Sure enough the eternal dichotomy of sage and satan,of david and goliath,of darkness and light will construe that failure and success are two sides of the same coin.True! Very true indeed!! Both act as a matural catalyst for our body and soul to act suo moto.But which is better of the two?I personally feel it depends on when this question is asked and to whom.And also where that person is standing in terms of social ladder and personal pulpits.The question of life and death gets merged and becomes that much murkier as the age goes by,we loose our ability to tell life from death,it seems both are the same,just the frame of reference is alien.Same goes for defeat and success too.First you run after success,wealth,recognition and then you are denied and then you again run and then again you are denied!and then again!and again!again!!
Finally after an age of wisdom and learning you are allowed to drink that nector.But for how long?just a whisker? and then again the learning starts.
“It is only when the tide goes out that you learn who’s been swimming naked"-the saying is true for any situation.Give man a tough situation and the tough will survive and the lesser tough will toughen up.The toil,turmoil and trouble is what we dread and despise but it is the very tree the fruits of which are success,glory and paens.Its only after a rough ride that the savant gets inducted.
The teachers in my childhood who were bad to me are the ones I fondly remember.Not to discount the ones who were nice to me,but the lasting impression of that punishment,those scars of insults remain with you as an adjoinder that you have evolved,that you have learned enough not to deserve those punishments again.The act of punishing is very amusing.It takes out more from the punisher than the punishee.We have to be greatful to those who seek revenge from us,who inflict upon us humiliation,for they are taking us on a detour of their own graveyard image.I learned the great lesson somewhere that the wise always learn from other`s mistakes and the lesser wise from their own,and the buffoons always help others learn from their mistakes.

Failure just means that help is around the corner and demands just our patience and willpower.Imagine that if life is only full of highs,only crests!then it would be more of a plateau and again you would search for that high!So failure makes success successful.It teaches us how to devalue success and take it with a pinch of salt.Imagine what success and failures are in probalistic terms!If success is hitting the bull`s eye than you are left with atleast 2/3 rd of your life sans success.The halcyon days are always counted on fingers and recounted on dreary nights.So the good memories need that boat of failure to come sailing to the shores of your conscience.So for me to identify the wolf in ship`s hide is more important.Failure is the wolf outside and sheep inside,and success is the sheep outside and wolf inside.We always cry out to gods for being unfair to us,for doling out only failures to us!imagine!!why is that?actually god is kind to us!he keeps the hypnotic success at bay and lets you toss in the real tempest of failure.
To have a clear understanding of the success-failure odds,you got to have a neutral scale and a neutral point of view.To see results without the classification of the two words would actually merge the crests and the throughs and the deliverance will tend to if we are caught between the schisms of success and failure,then we would never get to experience the doppelganger of life that is known by the eupheny of salvation.
Its a shame that people are remembered for what they did.They should also be remembered what they failed to do.That would be a more encompassing compendium of human lifes and times.Its very easy to frown upon a not-so-successful person and very easy to get your autographs book out for the successful people.But what is to be learned remains hidden.Its veiled behind the tortuous smile that is taught by a concern for your loved ones or is surreptitious in cover of that candyfloss face which only hides the many stabs in the inside.So what life wants us to learn is what we never want to go through.It wants us to learn to fail so that we enjoy our success,but we only want to succeed and hence are forced to enjoy the failures.It wants us to see the means to the end and we only see the end.That forsight,that seer vision, comes later in your life,when you have seen it all.
Blessed are people who taste failure early in their lives!!I am new to this walk of life.I hope before I get old,I learn how to succeed to learn to fail and how to without fail come to terms with success of achieving and learning from failures.