My New Book

Saturday, July 16, 2011

A Rummy Affair...

Rummy Affair..

I was not surprised,
When the knife was prised,
As it is the day was gloomy,
An ominous pall fell on the lair,
I saw through it.A rummy affair!

She looked in the eyes with full of wonder,
My heart rumbled with booms and thunder,
Can`t figure why the change of guard,
It smelled fishy,both to the baron and the bard,
I learned a lesson never to dare.
I nosed into it.A rummy affair!

The kettle gave a strange wheezle,
It burned!bounced & let out a fiery sizzle,
Far from the dinner I was promised,I surmised,
A strange boil,an arcane mix was on the side,
All the caution and the sagacity was on the spare,
I smelled it from far.A rummy affair!

The setting was one with a filmy flair,
The ugly horse was after the fair mare,
But romance was nowhere to be seen,uninvited!
Television also blared gory gobbledygook,blighted!
It was a night where the stars hid behind the dark veil out of fear,
Even the wind rustle was missing,I guessed the end was near.
I bade my host sayonara from long.A rummy affair!!

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