My New Book

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Way forward...

I cant see ahead,ah! the fog is at bay,
But the future is very clear to me?nay!

I cant surmise what I have in store,
But that is the essence,that is the roar.

If future was all clear,god! if the path was all clear,
Wont I would be sitting idle,wont I be waster,Oh dear!

I suffered the ignominy of love and hate,
But all trasitory ,all in a spate.

The present times are much more exciting I say,
What future holds is nothing,even seer are blinded by the present ray.

I might sound frivolous,I might end up being a novice,
But I want to mend the things at hand,I want to fill up that leaking crevice.

Becoming someone you desire,having someone you aspire,
Will all happen in good time,let me drip blood,let me perspire.

Even god doesnt know how the knots would untangle,
Never put your money on wealth or health,it will mar,it will mangle.

Money again is the kin of king of jungle,never
 pursue,never anger,let it clink,let it slumber.

We all belong to different strands,to different destiny,
Never compare,for the seeds are sown always in deep earth and in tiny.

Celebrate today! for the future can wait,
Defer the worries,use your smile as a bait.

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