To the lands Where I Cried

I sat all alone! Pensive!!
Blocked all thoughts! Fensive!!
I wanted a night alone,felt lonesome.
But mind played tricks with,held me to ransom.
Indifferent ! I am now to pain and pleasure!!
For I had both the devils,in equal measure!
Damn!Cross with myself for leaving my land this shore!!
Fact reminded by one letter,the regal origins it bore!!
Illegible!The words written on the sheafs!
Tangible emotions,I sensed them in heaps!
I dare not shed a tear here for it would be wasted.
Even they are partial to the land they once tasted.
Land of Dreams,I came for! NO Stop!
No More dusty lanes,no more stunted crop!
Jealous! I feel from the trees rooted deep!
They know their place,only there they get a nights sleep.
Why? How? the reasons go beyong the reason.
Now! Never! to not to go back would be the treason.
Hope!The Tethers release me,unquestioned,untried.
For I will then catch the ship,back to the lands where I cried!
I sat all alone! Pensive!!
Blocked all thoughts! Fensive!!
I wanted a night alone,felt lonesome.
But mind played tricks with,held me to ransom.
Indifferent ! I am now to pain and pleasure!!
For I had both the devils,in equal measure!
Damn!Cross with myself for leaving my land this shore!!
Fact reminded by one letter,the regal origins it bore!!
Illegible!The words written on the sheafs!
Tangible emotions,I sensed them in heaps!
I dare not shed a tear here for it would be wasted.
Even they are partial to the land they once tasted.
Land of Dreams,I came for! NO Stop!
No More dusty lanes,no more stunted crop!
Jealous! I feel from the trees rooted deep!
They know their place,only there they get a nights sleep.
Why? How? the reasons go beyong the reason.
Now! Never! to not to go back would be the treason.
Hope!The Tethers release me,unquestioned,untried.
For I will then catch the ship,back to the lands where I cried!
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