Taking the risk to the extent of sounding aggrandizing and aggravating ,i would say that it has been a long time since i felt freedom.That unshackled gaiety ,that unfretted frivolity ,that mindless expedition into the abyss of nothingness is not there.The more i think over this the more i feel claustrophobic.I want to break free.Still entwined in the worldly pursuits, life has now donned the clothes of a chimera , deceiving; setting contraptions;illusioning the thought process that gets rid of this smoke filled walk-through.
Now its time! I felt it yesterday,i felt it the day before and the day before that too!!The force of reckoning is in motion.The wheels of change have felt the whip of rotation.The destiny that was clouded in vagueness now is set to shine in all its resplendence.What is rejuvenating is the autonomy that has been lost in the dungeons of time.Is it not the all i ever wanted ?probably ...
My family ,friends and foes all alike are witnesses of this sea change.Maybe they will be the ones who will carry out the baptism..maybe even by fire .Should need arise, i may seek divine help but for the time being its the mortal world i am pinning my hopes on.Given the ample scope of operation ,it will require a gargantuan effort.
Just as i wish to continue to be a master of circumstance rather than the victim of it, i look back ! taking the essence of life at its very inception ,i wonder at the humble beginning that the life offers.It caters to the whims and fancies of those who wish to play with the master of the game ,viz destiny.The game of life is one where the odds are stacked heavily against you, with the dices being thrown as the portendors of the coming times.Taking nothing away from the setting that we all are in ,the life today is full of anarchic elements.So one has to be at his/her scintillating best and display a "never to do anything that dies" attitude to counter the life sucking vortex of time and come up trumps.
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